Розроблено систему прав, які посвідчуються документами дозвільного характеру, шляхом їх класифікації за рядом критеріїв. Ці права згруповані за змістом суб'єктивного права, правовою природою, метою відповідної дозвільної процедури, терміном дії та іншими характеристиками. Запропоновано врегулювати відносини з видачі деяких видів документів дозвільного характеру як ліцензійні відносини.
Ключові слова: дозвіл; дозвільні відносини; документ дозвільного характеру; дозвільна процедура; ліцензійні
K. Apanasenko, Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Chernihiv national technological university, Chernihiv, Ukraine
The author of the article constructed a system of rights that are certified by the permissive documents in accordance to some criterions. These documents and rights were grouped depending on the content of a subjective right, legal nature, task of a permissive procedure, term of an activity, an object of a right and it's owner, branches of the economy in which they could be realised, potential for a tradability, fundamentals of the competition in a permissive procedure, difficulty of such procedure, quantity of the state organs involved in the procedure and a place of the realization of an economic work.
These economic rights are very different, but all of them are similar because of a permissive procedure of their receiving. A permissive procedure is necessary for the defense of custom's rights and sustainable environment, people's lives and health, the provision of a rational nature management and the protection of a cultural and archeological heritage. Mostly permissive procedures are difficult, they provide for calling of some state organs for the decision-making, an expert examination, conclusion of some contracts, sometimes – competitive fight for the exploitation of the rights between interested economic subjects.
Author proposed to regulate the relations concerning a giving of some kinds of permissive documents as the licensing relations. It's also necessary to add a legal List of permissive documents in a sphere of the economic work by such document as a registered declaration about readiness of an object for the exploitation.
Key words: permit; permissive relations; permissive document; permissive procedure; licensing relations.